Code of Conduct

🔺 Working Document 🔺 Author: Ratio 🔺 Created on: 23 Nov 2024 🔺


The purpose of this document is to outline appropriate conduct and activities of Ratio, a Cardano DRep. It will also address the conudct of all community members interacting with Ratio wihtin Github, Discord, or any other social-media-type platform where community discourse may arise.

All parties involved in Cardano governance are invioted to make these processes safe, enjoyable and postive experiences for all persons.

At no time shall anyone be discriminated against based on ability, locale, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion or gender.

DRep Behavior

The Drep will inform all delegates, in a timely manner, as to the direction of intended voting on all governance proposals. Delegates are free to re-delegate to another DRep if there are disagreements with voting preferences.

The DRep shall always consider the ramifications, outcomes, changes, impacts of any proposals as presented and passed by the Consitution Committee.

The DRep will be available to their delegates for discussion and discourse. A Discord server will be available to all delegates. Any additional methods will be clearly shown in the of this repository.

At no time will the DRep reward any delegate(s).

At no time will the DRep accept any bribe, pay, gift, or the like unless, and if, proposed and passed through some form of community vote.


Always provide constructive feedback. Cynical snarks, micro-aggressions and the like are not constructive to the DRep or other community members.

Remember we are here to create a positive environment that will foster cohesiveness, accountability and transparency within the Cardano community and for EVERY member.

Governance Positions

Typically these run counter to those of large entities. I am not concerned with how big your "bag" is or perceived seniority within the community. If governance proposals do not benefit everyone - active, inactive, 50 ada wallet, 50-million ada wallet - then these proposals will be voted "NO." There were too many shady dealings in Cardano Catalyst. People often presenting multiple facades for personal gain at the expense of others.

If you value inclusivity, education, honesty, accountability, transparency, sustainability, equality, decentralization and sustainability then let us work together to make Cardano an even better blockchain and community.